Our pool and sauna area invites you to linger. Find your own personal favorite spot. Steam bath, sauna or our new ice rain walk are an experience with us.
Finnish outdoor sauna 90°
Some like it hot – we usually find them in the Finnish sauna. Because here you can soak up heat and at the same time stimulate your circulation and metabolism and strengthen your immune system. At a pleasant 90°, you can relax on the recliner chairs with a view of the countryside and enjoy the time-out.
Finnish indoor sauna 75°
This sauna is ideal for everyone who generally prefers the Finnish sauna, but finds 90° too hot. At a pleasant 75° you can sweat just as well and maybe endure a few minutes longer. Basically, you should always listen to your inner voice when taking a sauna. If it’s enough, then it’s enough – no matter what the hourglass says.
Steam bath 42-45°
A visit to the steam bath is a whole-body inhalation. The airways are cleared and muscles can relax.
Caldarium 40-50°
Not quite as hot, but incredibly relaxing. This used to be part of classical Roman thermal baths. In addition to relaxation, the skin is also cleansed, and the circulation and immune system are stimulated.
Relaxing rooms
In the indoor and outdoor sauna area you will find plenty of opportunities to let the peace and warmth continue to have an effect and to find your inner balance again.